Hello world with Python, Java and C in Centos 7

The last exercise (h6) on Tero Karvinen’s Linux servers course. is to write ”Hello world!”-program for three different programming languages and run them on a Linux environment.
I’ll be using the same vps-server with centos 7 I created on my vps-related article, for running the programs.
The programming languages I choose are Java, Python3 and C. For each of them, I’ll be testing out the installation of development tools, compiling the ”hello world”-code and run it on terminal environment.


For a compiler, I’ll be using an openjdk, since it’s available on yum-repository.
By searching the repository, I found that the latest available java version is 1.8, therefore the package name is java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel (notice that you keep the -devel-postfix, otherwise it doesn’t install the compiler, only virtual machine)

sudo yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

Next thing is to create a ”helloworld.java”-file with the following content
public class helloworld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");

to compile the code, I use javac

javac helloworld.java

now I can run the application with the class-name (filename will not be used here, otherwise it won’t work)

java helloworld
Hello world!


I’m going to use python3 since it’s the latest version, but I must also be aware that the language syntax differs a bit from python2.x -version.
apparently the latest package available is python34, according to the yum search
sudo yum install python34

now I just create a helloworld.py-file with the following content
print("Hello world!")

Note: on python2, the syntax would have been print "hello world", which is not compatible with python3

Now I just run it with command

python3 helloworld.py
Hello world!


According to this article https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-compile-and-run-c-cplusplus-code-in-linux/ I should first install the developer tools with this command

sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

 it installed 26 packages containing gcc-related tools and perl-compilers. It might be a one command to install all the necessary stuff to get started with perl.

Next thing is to write the ”hello world” -program. First I create a file named ”helloworld.c” and put the following content in it


int main(void)
printf("Hello world!\n");
return 0;

Then I compile it with command ”make”

make helloworld
cc helloworld.c -o helloworld

and finally I run it with the name of the compiled file

Hello world!

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About Krister Holmström

Opiskelen Haaga-Heliassa Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutusohjelmassa. Kerään kotitehtäviini ja projekteihin liittyviä raportteja ja materiaaleja blogiini, jotta tieto olisi helpommin saatavilla.

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